The affordability of factory-fabricated construction means that The Refuge can provide quickly-available and high-quality accommodation and amenities where housing is lost due to natural disasters.
Each Refuge cabin can be assembled in less than a day. The modules are standard width and light enough to fit on a trailer behind a 4WD, and can be delivered by a tractor fitted with forklift tynes to almost anywhere.
A fully self-contained rooftop-powered electrical system for lighting, ventilation, cooling and refrigeration is available to permit extended occupation of the Refuge while rebuilding. The modular design also provides flexibility to later expand the structure with more bedrooms or living spaces.
The Refuge is encased on all sides by an Australian-manufactured COLORBONDⓇ steel, foam and fibreglass panels which are fire-rated for one hour of constant exposure to heat and flames. The steel frame is entirely protected by insulation, preventing warping or burning in cases of extreme heat, and can be engineered to withstand flood and cyclone conditions. Protective shutters can be rolled or swung into place to completely protect occupants from radiant heat and flames. The internal temperature of The Refuge is maintained for at least one hour of intense heat or flames using a self-contained internal thermal storage system. This gives time for a fire front to pass through and spot fires to settle before venturing outside.
With a kitchen, optional bathroom, and open area that can function as a living area, bedroom, dining room or other shared space, The Refuge is intended to provide simple functionality in times of crisis.
The Refuge Compact is a similar option of reduced size, while the Refuge Extended may be a more appropriate option for families.
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